The Causes of Low Back Pain
There are a myriad of reasons one will have lower back pain, including: sprained ligaments, muscle strains, bulging disks, trigger points and inflamed joints. While whiplash or accidents can lead to injury and pain, often the slightest movements we do irritate our low back causing pain. This can occur due to arthritis, bad posture, obesity and stress. Many things can cause lower back pain. Low back pain can lead to very serious conditions if ignored.. At PrimeSpine we are experts in the Kirkland area in treating back pain and back injuries.
Subluxations simply put are improper alignment of the low back. These misalignments cause faulty joint motion including range of motion restrictions. In the lumbar spine, these usually occur at the transition between the lower spine and the tail bone. Subluxations can lead to debilitating lower back pain. Fortunately, subluxations are easily treatable and often times a significant reduction in pain is experienced almost immediately after treatment at PrimeSpineChiropactic Center in Kirkland. If you have a back ache, it’s time to get checked for a back injury by your chiropractor.
Sprains, Strains and Spasms
This often occurs with weekend athletes who overdo their activity. Especially in Kirkland, Redmond and Bellevue we have a lot of weekend warriors. We are all guilty of being weekend warriors to some extent. After overdoing it you will likely be visiting a Kirkland Chiropractor for relief. Overworking your back can cause significant inflammation in muscles, ligaments and joints of the spine which often lead to back ache, back pain and back injuries.
Disc bulges
Did you know many people have disc bulges or disc herniations and aren’t aware of it? Actually, a study found that nearly half of adults had at least one bulging or herniated disc, even though they did not suffer any back pain from it. When flared up, herniated discs can be the most painful conditions around. When a disc herniates, it needs to be treated in an attempt to stop further descrtruction causing severe lower back pain.
One of the most common causes for chronic muscle tension. When you are stressed all the time, the chronic tension causes your posture to be less than ideal. This is a significant contributor to lower back pain and back pain in general.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic treatment for low back pain is very helpful for most people. Studies have found chiropractic for the low back has been repeatedly shown to be the most effective treatment for low back pain. Many studies find chiropractic care the most efficient treatment for back pain. Chiropractic care aims at re-aligning the joints of the frame to help you move better, experience less back pain and be more functional as you age.