After being rear ended at a stop light a Redmond man experienced moderate injuries to his neck and back. The accident was no fault of his own, but simply a matter of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Although the pain was not debilitating, it was a constant reminder of the car accident. The moderate pain was persistent, nagging and medications seemed to help very little.
The Redmond man felt the neck pain, back pain and lower back pain around the clock, twenty four / seven. By going to see the chiropractor he hoped to find relief from this constant pain in his neck. He wanted to achieve effective relief from his pain by visiting the chiropractic center.
The chiropractor Dr. Ben Baker is an expert in addressing just these type of issues. Dr. Baker is extremely experienced in treating back injuries and is a specialist. He treats many of patients suffering from car accidents that are suffering from back and neck injuries. After a car accident whiplash can be deceptive because it may take several days to even months to fully become apparent, this is why it is so important to receive treatment.
If you are living with pain you should make the call today to set up an appointment for a visit to ourchiropractic center. Chiropractor Dr. Ben Baker is a specialist in treating all sorts of different types of pain, safely and naturally.