Whiplash Injuries in Kirkland and Redmond
Often resulting in headaches, neck pain, migraines and TMJ
Whiplash Injuries in Kirkland, Bothell and Bellevue – Most commonly from Auto Accidents.
At PrimeSpine we are here to Give You Pain Relief! Whiplash injury occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by hyper-flexion or hyper-extension of the neck.
Dr. Baker is a specialist in treating whiplash injuries, car and auto accident injuries and sports injuries. Whiplash injuries are extremely common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur usually during a car accident. After all you have recently been through you deserve neck pain relief.
If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries should be taken very seriously. Often the symptoms of a whiplash injury can take several days to months to present themselves, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the headaches, migraines, lower back pain and radiating pain.
Whiplash Injuries
Whiplash injuries can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways, headaches, back pain, lower back pain, and much more. Due to the complexity of a neck injury from whiplash, a number of related conditions tend to manifest in whiplash victims including:
- Neck pain
This is the most common complaint after suffering whiplash. Radiating pain is common across the shoulders and into the upper back. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as all of the muscles, ligaments and nerves.Spinal Disc injury is also a common cause of neck pain, especially chronic pain. In the event of a whiplash injury, the disc can herniate and or bulge. - Headaches
The second most common whiplash complaint. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, the majority are related to muscles, ligaments the bones in the cervical spine. - TMJ pain (jaw pain)
A severe jaw pain as a result of whiplash, is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ usually begins as pain along with clicking and popping noises in the speaking or chewing. At PrimeSpine we are trained in specific chiropractic techniques to assist in getting your jaw realigned (gently) and out of pain. - Lower back pain
Many people fail to realize whiplash usually causes low back pain as well. The spine is one unit that is affected in all areas by major traumas such as whiplash injuries.
Recovery from whiplash
With proper chiropractic care, it is very likely you will recover to pre-injury status.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic adjustments are by far, the single-most effective treatment of whiplash injuries, when partnered with massage therapy and trigger point therapy. The patient has the best chance at recovering completely from the whiplash accident and avoiding back surgery if they receive chiropractic care.
If you’ve suffered a whiplash injury please refer to the information below to learn about how to properly handle your case
1. Giving a Recorded Statement to an Insurance Adjuster
Insurance investigators and adjusters are directed to obtain recorded statements as soon as possible following car accidents. I have had clients that were called by insurance adjusters seeking a recorded statement before the injury victim had even been released from the emergency room. Insurance adjusters are also trained in taking recorded statements in a manner that reduces their “exposure,” i.e. the amount they will have to pay on a claim. SPEAK WITH A CHIROPRACTOR AND LAWYER BEFORE GIVING A RECORDED STATEMENT!
2. Not Seeking Medical Treatment Immediately Following the Accident
If you have suffered a whiplash injury, your injuries need to be documented. Oftentimes, people refuse transport at the scene because they are in shock or the rush of adrenaline prevents them from realizing the full extent of their pain. Then the next few days, they don’t leave their house because they are in so much pain. Then the pain gradually begins getting better so they “wait it out” and refuse to see a chiropractor. Soon it is 2 or 3 weeks post-accident and they realize the pain is not resolving on it’s own. At this point, an insurance carrier will generally deny or greatly reduce any future claim payout because it is too difficult for the injured party to convince a jury that the accident caused the injury. The insurance company may be right. If you are in pain following an accident, don’t “wait it out,” get to a doctor.
3. Not Properly Documenting Your Harms and Losses Due to the Accident
Injury victims are entitled to recover their medical bills, wage loss and pain and suffering. All of these different elements of damages can be properly documented but the average person may not have any idea how to document their losses. Advice from an experienced whiplash attorney can greatly increase the value of a case.
4. Not Hiring an Experienced Whiplash Attorney
Once you have been involved in an accident and suffered a whiplash injury you need to decide who you are going to ask to help you with your claim for compensation. You should read the small print of anyone who offers you help. Be sure to hire an experienced whiplash injury attorney to help you recover all of your harms and losses from the accident.
Kirkland Car Accidents involving whiplash
Whiplash Specialists at PrimeSpine
Don’t let whiplash destroy your posture, we are here to help whether you live in Bothell or Bellevue
PRIMESPINE | 12305 120th ave ne suite a, Kirkland WA 98034
Phone 425|825|8750 Email DrBenBaker@gmail.com
Auto accidents are what we deal with every day, stop in for our expert care for whiplash.